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Possible Questions:
Bacchanalian cry
Bacchanal's cry
Cry at Pan's parties
Bacchanal cry
Reveling cry
Reveler's cry
Cry of revelry
Bacchanals' cry
Wild cry
Old orgy cry
Wild shout
Revelers' cry at a Bacchanalia
Revelers' cry
Reveler's cry of old
Orgy cry
Maenad's cry
Greek reveler's cry
Festive cry in Plato's day
Eliot Feld ballet
Drunken cry, of old
Cry where Bacchus reigned
Cry of revelry, in Hellas
Cry at Greek orgies
Cry at a Greek orgy
Cry at a Dionysian bash
Classical "Whoopee!"
Bacchic shout
Bacchic cry
Bacchante's cry
Bacchanal utterance
Athenian "Whoopee!"
Ancient reveler's "whoopee!"
Ancient reveler's ''whoopee!''
Ancient cry of revelry
"Whoopee!" in Pan's parties
"Whoopee!" in old Athens
"Whoopee!" in ancient Greece
"Whoopee!" at Pan's parties