Possible Questions:
- List-ending abbr.
- Catchall abbr.
- List ender
- And others: Abbr.
- Common abbr.
- List-shortening abbr.
- Common Latin abbr.
- And so on: Abbr.
- List shortener
- Inclusive abbr.
- Space-saving abbr.
- List abbr.
- Latin abbr.
- And so on (abbr.)
- Series ender
- List shortcut
- Handy abbr.
- Short stop?
- Series-ending abbr.
- And so forth: Abbr.
- And so forth
- And so on, for short
- And so on and so forth
- Lister's abbr.
- List ending
- Handy Latin abbr.
- And so on
- Sentence ender
- And the rest
- And more: Abbr.
- "Yadda, yadda, yadda"
- Mail Boxes ___
- Catchall abbreviation
- And so on, briefly
- And more
- All-encompassing abbr.
- Abbr. after a comma
- "Yada yada yada"
- Series finale
- Abbr. at the end of a list
- Time-saving abbr.
- Plus additional things
- List-curtailing abbr.
- And more, for short
- Yadda yadda yadda
- Truncation abbr.
- List-ending letters
- List ender, briefly
- And the like (Abbr.)
- Series shortener
- Relative of et al.
- List ender: Abbr.
- End-of-list abbr.
- And the rest: Abbr.
- And the like: Abbr.
- Abbreviated catchall
- Abbr. sometimes used twice in a row
- ''Yadda, yadda, yadda''
- Series finale?: Abbr.
- List finish
- List extender
- Inventory abbr.
- End-of-sentence abbr.
- End of the line?
- Abbreviation meaning "plus additional things"
- Abbr. for those who didn't make the list
- "You get the picture"
- "Too many to list" abbr.
- "The list goes on," briefly
- "No need to elaborate"
- "Blah blah blah"
- "And so forth . . ."
- Yadda, yadda, yadda
- Useful abbr.
- Substitute for the unlisted
- Space-saving letters
- Space-saving abbreviation
- Series ender: Abbr.
- Oft-used abbr.
- More of the same, briefly
- List shortener: Abbr.
- List ender, for short
- It's seen briefly at the end of a list?
- Handy pc. of Latin
- Abbreviation after a comma
- Abbr. akin to "yadda, yadda, yadda"
- "You know the rest" abbr.
- "Yadda, yadda, yadda," briefly
- "Yada, yada, yada"
- "I could go on . . . "
- "And so forth"
- Writing shortcut
- Writer's shortcut
- Truncation abbreviation
- Space-saver for writers
- Series finale?
- Series end
- Plus others: Abbr.
- Plus more: Abbr.
- List-ending abbreviation
- List-curtailing letters
- List letters
- Letters used to avoid listing
- Kin of et al.
- Et al. relative
- Enumeration follower
- Enumeration abbreviation
- End of some lists
- Cousin of et al.
- Blah, blah, blah
- Bel Kaufman's "Love, ___"
- And the rest, abbr.
- And such: Abbr.
- And so on and so forth, briefly
- And other things: Abbr.
- Abbr. after a comma, sometimes
- "Yadda yadda yadda": Abbr.
- "I won't bore you with the rest"
- "Blah, blah, blah ..."
- "And so on"
- "And so on," for short
- "And all that jazz"
- "... yadda, yadda, yadda"
- Yadda, yadda, yadda: Abbr.
- Yadda-yadda-yadda, briefly
- Yada, yada, yada
- Writer's list lopper
- Ubiquitous abbr.
- Truncation indication: Abbr.
- Truncation indication, briefly
- Timesaving abbr.
- The latest thing in lists?
- Subst. for unnamed things
- So on and so forth
- Sign of condensation
- Shortening shortening
- Short space saver?
- Series-shortening abbr.
- Sentence-ending abbr.
- Rel. of et al.
- Others of the same class
- Often-repeated abbr.
- Odds and ends abbreviation
- Nonspecific abbr.
- More quickly?
- Listing letters
- List's last, often
- List's last letters
- List-shortening letters
- List-limiting abbr.
- List-finishing abbr.
- List truncator
- List shortening abbr.
- List finisher: Abbr.
- List cutter
- List closing
- Letters after a list
- Last word on a list, sometimes
- Last of a list
- Et al. cousin
- Cousin of "blah blah blah"
- Common abbreviation
- Catch-all abbr.
- Busy person's abbr.
- Brief way to indicate ''and so on''
- And that's not all
- And so forth, for short
- And so forth, briefly
- And so forth (Abbr.)
- And more, briefly
- And more (Abbr.)
- And all that jazz, briefly
- Abbr. usually preceded by a comma
- Abbr. sometimes used twice in succession
- Abbr. often repeated
- Abbr. often following a comma
- Abbr. ending a list
- Abbr. covering unlisted items
- Abbr. at the end of a series
- "You know the rest"
- "You know the rest," for short
- "You get the idea": Abbr.
- "You get the idea," briefly
- "Yada yada yada": Abbr.
- "That sorta thing"
- "Plus additional things" abbr.
- "Plus a bunch of other stuff"
- "I could go on, but won't"
- "And the list goes on" abbr.
- "And the list goes on" (abbr.)
- "And so on ..."
- "And many more"
- "... and so on" (Abbr.)
- ". . . yadda, yadda, yadda"
- ". . . and so on" (Abbr.)
- ". . . and so on"
- ''And so it goes . . .''
- ''And all that jazz''
- Yadda-yadda-yadda...
- Yadda yadda yadda, in three letters
- Widely used abbr.
- What have you, briefly
- What an ellipsis may mean: Abbr.
- Wd. often mispronounced with an x sound
- Useful catchall
- Useful abbreviation
- Truncation indication
- Tripled, a line from "The King and I"
- To Grecophiles, this is KTL
- The last thing in lists?
- The last thing in lists
- The balance: Abbr.
- Tail on many a list
- Space-saving abbr. hidden in four puzzle answers
- Something used for shortening
- Sign of things not to come?
- Short space saver
- Short ending?
- Short catchall
- Short "and so on"
- Shop ___ (rival magazine of Lucky)
- Series finale? (abbr.)
- Series finale, for short
- Series ender?
- Series ender, often
- Sentence shortener, for short
- Sentence reducer, briefly
- Sentence ending, sometimes
- Sentence ending, at times
- Rel. of ditto
- Rel of et al.
- Popular space-saving device
- Much-used abbreviation
- More indicator, briefly
- Miscellany abbr.
- Misc. ending
- Mailboxes ___ (former mailing co.)
- Mail Boxes, ___.
- Mail Boxes ___ (chain that became The UPS Store)
- Mail Boxes __
- Long list shortener: Abbr.
- Listings abbreviation
- Lister's letters
- List's last letters, perhaps
- List-extending abbr.
- List-condensing abbr.
- List shortening abbreviation
- List shortener hidden in eight long puzzle answers
- List shortcut: Abbr.
- List maker's space saver
- List ending: Abbr.
- List ender, sometimes
- List ender, at times
- List cutoff
- List concluder
- List closer
- Letters denoting sundry
- Letters at the end of some business names
- Lazy lister's abbr.
- Last of a list, often (abbr.)
- Last letters on some lists
- Last entry in some lists
- King of Siam's word: Abbr.
- Jo-Ann ___ (fabric store chain)
- It's used for shortening: Abbr.
- It may shorten a sentence
- It may be seen briefly at the end of a list?
- It may be seen at the end of a list?
- It can reduce a sentence
- Ink saver of a sort
- Indicator of condensation
- Inconclusive ending
- Inclusive abbreviation
- Incl. ending
- Hidden element in this puzzle's theme
- Favorite word of Anna's king
- Familiar substitution
- Familiar abbr.
- Everyday abbr.
- Et al.'s relative
- Et al.'s kin
- Enumeration abbr.
- Continuing abbreviation
- Condensation indication
- Common list ender (abbr.)
- Common list ender
- Common list closer
- Common abbr. after a comma
- Catchall sentence ender
- Catchall letters
- Catchall ending
- Catch-all term
- Brief relative of "yada, yada, yada"
- Brief relative of ''yada, yada, yada''
- Brief list shortener
- Blah, blah, blah, briefly
- Blah blah blah: Abbr.
- Bel Kaufman's "Love, ___": 1979
- Apples, oranges, ___
- Appendant abbreviation
- Another list ender
- And whatnot, briefly
- And what have you: Abbr.
- And what have you, briefly
- And the like, abbr.
- And the like
- And such
- And so on, abbr.
- And so on for short
- And so on and so on and . . .: abbr.
- And rel. stuff
- And others of the same sort: Abbr.
- And more, in brief
- And more of the same: Abbr.
- And more of same: Abbr.
- And many more: Abbr.
- And everything else, for short
- And all that jazz: Abbr.
- Alternative to an ellipsis, maybe
- Add-on abbr.
- Abbreviation meaning "and more stuff like that"
- Abbreviation for the rest
- Abbr. useful when running out of room
- Abbr. used for brevity
- Abbr. unlikely to start of a sentence
- Abbr. that saves time and space
- Abbr. that saves space
- Abbr. that may precede an ellipsis
- Abbr. sometimes written twice in a row
- Abbr. sometimes seen twice in a row
- Abbr. rarely seen at the start of a sentence
- Abbr. on a list
- Abbr. often repeated redundantly
- Abbr. often repeated after itself
- Abbr. of a Latin phrase
- Abbr. for an unlimited number?
- Abbr. after several examples
- "You know the rest..."
- "You get the picture": Abbr.
- "You get the picture..."
- "You get the picture ..."
- "You get the idea," for short
- "You get the idea . . ."
- "You get my point here"
- "You catch my drift"
- "You can guess the rest"
- "Yada-yada-yada"
- "Yada yada yada" (Abbr.)
- "Two should suffice," briefly
- "That sort of thing"
- "That ought to be enough examples"
- "That kinda thing"
- "Stuff like that"
- "Stuff like that," briefly
- "More of the same" letters
- "Love, ___," Bel Kaufman novel
- "I'll spare you the details" abbr.
- "I don't need to list them all"
- "I could keep going"
- "I could go on ... "
- "Death ___" (Harold Pinter collection of activist poems)
- "Blah, blah, blah ...": Abbr.
- "And what have you," briefly
- "And the list goes on"
- "And that sort of thing": Abbr.
- "And that sort of thing" (Abbr.)
- "And so on" (Abbr.)
- "And so forth..."
- "And so forth ..."
- "And more" abbreviation
- "And more" abbr.
- "And more" (Abbr.)
- "And more"
- "And more," in store names
- "And I could go on..."
- "And I could go on ..."
- "..., ___"
- "... You know the rest"
- "... you get the idea": Abbr.
- "... to name just a few": Abbr.
- "... that sort of thing": abbr.
- "... blah, blah, blah"
- "... and too many to mention" letters
- "... and so on": Abbr.
- 'Yada, yada, yada' (Abbr.)
- 'Yada yada yada' (Abbr.)
- 'Yada yada yada'
- 'Too many to list' abbr.
- ''You get the picture'' abbr.
- ''Hidden'' theme of the puzzle
- ''... yadda, yadda, yadda''
- ...: Abbr.