Possible Questions:
- Italian city
- City near Padua
- Punta del ___ (Uruguayan city)
- This: Sp.
- Villa d'___
- Spanish pronoun
- This, in Spain
- Italian noble family
- Italian family
- Italian town
- Punta del ___
- This, in Toledo
- Town near Padua
- Noted Italian family name
- Punta del ___, Uruguay
- Noble Italian family
- Tasso's patron
- Ciudad del ___ (Paraguayan city)
- Spanish direction
- Renaissance family of Ferrara
- Renaissance family name
- This, in Madrid
- Ferrara family name
- Ferrara family
- Italian commune
- Borgia in-law
- 90 degrees from norte
- Dynastic Italian house
- This, in Taxco
- Tivoli's Villa d'___
- Italy's Villa d'___
- Where el sol rises
- This, in Mexico
- Ferrara ruling family
- Noble Italian name
- Italian princely family
- Famed Ferrara family
- Boiardo's patron
- 90° from norte
- Italian noble surname
- East, in Ecuador
- Ariosto's patron
- Villa d'____
- Town in Italy
- This, to Pedro
- This, in Cádiz
- This, in Avila
- Sunrise direction, in Sonora
- 90 degrees from sur
- Villa d'--
- Tivoli's Villa d'__
- This, in Seville
- Renaissance family
- Noble family of Ferrara
- Ferrara name
- East, in Spain
- Villa d'_____
- Villa d'___ (Italian landmark)
- Town SW of Padua
- Renaissance name of fame
- Princely Italian family
- Padua neighbor
- One of four direcciones
- Italian noble family name
- Italian noble
- A Borgia in-law
- Where el sol rises?
- Villa d'---
- Villa d'___, in Tivoli
- Villa d'___ (Tivoli landmark)
- Villa d'__
- Uruguay's Punta del ___
- Uruguay's Punta del __
- Town of Italy
- This, in Tegucigalpa
- This, in Tampico
- Sunrise direction, in Spain
- Renaissance ruling family
- Renaissance patron
- Punta del __, Uruguay
- Punta del ___ (Uruguayan resort)
- Powerful Italian family
- Noted Renaissance patron
- Noted Italian name
- Noble Italian family name
- Modena ruling family
- Italian villa
- Italian princely family name
- It's right on a Spanish map
- Illustrious Italian family
- Ferrara ducal family
- Famous Italian family
- East, in Madrid
- Direction in Durango
- Cádiz compass point
- Beatrice d'___
- 90° from sur
- Where "el sol" rises
- Villa d'___, at Tivoli
- Varese's Palazzo d'___
- Town southwest of Padua
- Town in NE Italy
- This, to Sevi
- This, to Sergio
- This, to Miguel
- This, to Manuel
- Spanish compass point
- Spanish compass direction
- Ruling family at Modena: 1288
- Right on el mapa
- Right on a mapa
- Right from norte
- Renaissance patron family
- Renaissance family member
- Renaissance art patron
- Princely house of Italy
- Palazzo d'___, at Varese
- Oriente
- Noted Renaissance family
- Noted Italian family
- Ninety degrees from norte
- Italian Renaissance family
- Italian noble house
- Italian family of note
- Italian art patron
- Historic Italian family name
- First Family of early Ferrara
- Ferrara resident
- Ferrara patron
- Famous Ferrara family
- Famous family of Ferrara
- Famed Renaissance family
- Famed Italian patron of the arts
- East, in España
- East wind: Sp.
- Direction in which el sol rises
- Direction from which el sol rises
- Direction from Madrid to Barcelona
- Commune near Padua
- City in Padua province
- Ancient Roman ruins
- Alberto Azzo II, e.g.
- Zaragoza-to-Barcelona direction
- Where to see a Sonora sunrise
- Where the sun rises, in Sonora
- Where the sun rises in Spain
- Whence el sol rises
- Villa-building family
- Villa name
- Villa d'--, Italy
- Villa d'--- (Italian landmark)
- Villa d'___, Tivoli
- Villa d'___ at Tivoli
- Villa d' ____
- Veracruz vane direction
- Uruguay's Punta del --
- Town of Venetia
- Town in the Venetia region
- Town in the Euganean Hills
- Town in N. E. Italy
- Toward the Atlantic, in Mexico
- Toward sunrise, in Mexico
- Top name in Modena: 1288
- Top Ferrara family
- Toledo-to-Valencia dirección
- Tivoli's Villa d'--
- This, to Luis
- This, to Fernando
- This, in Zaragoza
- This, in Segovia
- This, in Pamplona
- This, in España
- This to Sergio
- This to Miguel
- That Ferrara family
- Tequila sunrise direction
- Tasso patron
- Surname of Italian nobility
- Sunrise location, in Spain
- Sunrise direction, on the Costa del Sol
- Sunrise direction in Spain
- Sunrise dirección
- Suburb of Padua
- Spanish sunrise direction
- Site of the Museo Atestino
- Site of Roman ruins in NE Italy
- Site of Roman ruins
- Ruling family of Ferrara
- Royal Italian name
- Roman-ruins site
- Roman villa
- Right, on un mapa
- Right, on a Spanish map
- Right turn from norte
- Renaissance name
- Renaissance Italian family name
- Renaissance dynasty name
- Puzzler's favorite Italian family
- Punta del --, Uruguay
- Punta del --
- Punta del ___, Uruguayan resort
- Punta del __
- Princely Italian house
- Princely Italian
- Princely family of Italy
- Princely family name of old
- Princely family
- Point on Magellan's compass
- Point on Columbus's compass
- Poet Boiardo's patron
- Place near Venice
- Patron of Titian
- Patron of Tasso
- Patron of Boiardo
- Paraguay's Ciudad del ___
- Palazzo d'___, in Varese
- Painter Alberti's patron
- Padua's neighbor
- Opposite direction from oeste
- Old Modena family name
- Old Italian noble family
- Old Italian family name
- Noted Renaissance name
- Noted Renaissance family name
- Noted friend of da Vinci
- Noted Ferrara family
- Notable Italian Renaissance name
- Notable Italian family
- Northeastern Italian town
- Northeast Italian town
- Norte, ___, sur, oeste
- Noble Renaissance family
- Noble name of Ferrara
- Noble name in Ferrara
- Noble Lombard family name
- Noble Italian house
- Noble Ferrara name
- Noble family line which ended in 1803
- Neighbor of Padua
- NE Italy town
- NE Italian city
- Mexico City-to-Yucatan "dirección"
- Memorable Italian patron of the arts
- Memorable Ferrara family
- Medieval Italian name
- Medieval Italian fortress city
- Medieval Italian fortress
- Medieval fortress city in Italy
- Medici in-law
- Marchese d'___ (Italian nobleman)
- Lucrezia Borgia in-law
- Longtime Ferrara family name
- Lake Como's Villa d'___
- Italy's Villa d'---
- Italy's Villa d'--
- Italy's Villa d'__
- Italy's Villa d' ____
- Italy's Villa d' ___
- Italy's Isabella d'_____
- Italian town or family
- Italian town near Padua
- Italian royal family
- Italian Renaissance art patron
- Italian princely name
- Italian patron of arts
- Italian name of note
- Italian name
- Italian fortress town
- Italian fortress site
- Italian family related to the Borgias
- Italian family of patrons
- Italian dynasty
- Italian duchess Beatrice d'___
- Italian ducal family
- It's ''east'' of Toledo
- Isabella d'___, patron of Leonardo
- Isabella d'___, Leonardo subject
- Isabella d'___ (Titian subject)
- Isabella d'___ (famed beauty)
- Isabella d'___
- Isabella d' ____
- House of ___ (European princely dynasty)
- House of ___ (European dynasty)
- Historic Padua neighbor
- Historic Italian name
- Guelph successor of old Italy
- From whence el sol rises
- From Santiago to Buenos Aires
- Former ruling house of Ferrara
- Former Italian family
- First family of Ferrara
- Ferrara-ruling family, once
- Ferrara ruler of old
- Ferrara house
- Ferrara family's home
- Famous Italian name
- Family that once celebrated Il Natale
- Family that lost Modena in 1803
- Family of patrons of the arts
- Family of Ferrara
- Family of Ercole III
- Famed Renaissance name
- Famed Italian family
- Famed Ferrara surname
- Famed Ferrara family name
- European princely dynasty name
- Esteemed name in Italy
- East: Sp.
- East, to Juan
- East, to Esteban
- East, to Carlos
- East, in Cordoba
- East, in Acapulco
- East wind, to José
- East wind, in Ecuador
- East to Enrique
- East to Emilio
- Early Ferrara ruling house
- Ducal family of Ferrara
- Direction 90 degrees from norte
- Dirección from which the sun rises
- Desde Madrid a Mallorca
- De Medici in-law
- Cousin of norte
- Córdoba compass point
- Compass point, in Cadiz
- Commune of the Veneto
- Commune in Padova
- Ciudad del ___ (second-largest city in Paraguay)
- City SW of Padua
- City of northeast Italy
- City in Veneto
- City in N. E. Italy
- Cádiz-to-Málaga dirección
- Bridge position, in Barcelona
- Borgia's married name
- Bolardo's patron
- Boiardo supporter
- Boiardo patron
- Artist Alberti's angel
- Ancient Roman military colony
- Ancient Roman fortress near Padua
- Ancient Roman colony
- Ancient Italian family
- An in-law of the Borgias
- Alberto Azzo was a noted one
- Alberto Azzo II was one
- Alberti's patron
- A direction, to Diego
- A direction, in Durango
- A Borgia's husband
- 90¡ from norte
- 90 degress from norte
- 90 (degrees) from norte
- "This" to Sergio
- "Salida del sol" direction
- "Compás" point