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Possible Questions:
Book boo-boos
Corrections list
List of mistakes
Printing mistakes
Mistakes in print
Novel flubs
List of corrections
Printing goofs
Typos and such
Boo-boos in books
Typo list
Typesetting mistakes
Proofreader's finds
Proofreader's discoveries
Proofers' catches
List of typos
List in a subsequent printing, perhaps
Book goofs
Book blunders
Slips between the covers?
Printing problems
Printers' mistakes
Manuscript mistakes
List of printing errors
List of corrigenda
Glitch list
Correction section
Bad spells?
Typos, e.g.
They slip past some proofreaders
They slip past proofreaders
Spell-checking discoveries
Slips on a slip?
Publishing bloopers
Published mistakes
Proofer's finds
Printing errors
Printing boo-boos
Printer's mistakes
Printer's insert
Printed slips
Printed mistakes
Print errors
Newspaper goofs
Mistake list
Literary slip-ups
Literal errors
List of typos and such
List of printed mistakes
List of misprints
List of lapses
List of book boo-boos
Heere and theere, in a book
Galley goofs
Editorial goofs
Book slips?
Book slips
Book mistakes
Book insert
Annoyances for readers
"Oops!" list, in publishing
"Oops!" list, in a book
Thiss and thaat
They're not right
They may be listed on a slip of paper included with a book
They may be fixed in second printings
Textbook insert
Text miscues
Some lapses
Slips slip?
Slips on a slip
Slips in print
Slip in later editions
Slip full of slips
San Fran band Erase ___
Roster for a more accurate reprint
Reasons for corrections
Proofreaders' oversights
Proofreaders' finds
Proofreaders' corrections
Proofreader's worries
Proofreader's targets
Proofer's bane
Problms in ths clue
Printing slips
Printing slip-ups
Printing corrections
Printing after a printing
Printers' nightmares
Printers' errors
Printers' boo-boos
Printer's boo-boos
Print goofs
Page heading, in some tomes
Ods and ennds, e.g.
Ods and ennds
Ods and endds
Mistakes on paper
Mistakes of a sort
Mistakes in a book
Misprint list
Manuscript mess-ups
Literary slips
Literary mistakes
Literary errors
Literary boo-boos
Lists of mistakes
Listing of typos
Listing in a revision, perhaps
List that may include some howlers
List of what was missed
List of typos and mislabeled photographs
List of slips
List of printing mistakes
List of book errors
List of boo-boos
List included in second editions
Lapse list
It's filled with slips
Goofs list
Goofs in print
Goof list
Glitch list, for print
Errors in printing
Embarrassments in print
Editors' slips
Editorial slips
Editor's slip-ups
Corrigenda list
Copy editor's quarry
Compendium of mistakes
Collection of boots?
Book insertion
Book bloopers
Boo-boos in a book
Acknowledged mistakes
"Oops!" list