Possible Questions:
- Vast, in verse
- Huge, in poetry
- Huge, poetically
- Huge, in verse
- Vast, old-style
- Vast, in the past
- Poetically large
- Huge, to poets
- Huge, old-style
- Colossal, to Coleridge
- Very large, in poems
- Vast, in poems
- Vast, in olden days
- Vast, in odes
- Poetically huge
- Poetic "vast"
- Poet's superlative
- Monstrous, old style
- Mammoth, old-style
- Immense, poetically
- Immense, in poetry
- Huge, old style
- Huge, in poesy
- Huge in poesy
- Gigantic to Keats
- Extremely large, old-style