Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Chang's twin
School subj.
Eur. country
Lang. you're reading now
H.S. subject
Coll. major
High school subj.
Eur. land
Part of the U.K.
High-school subj.
Chang's Siamese twin
H.S. class
Many an MIT grad
Sch. subject
H.S. course
College subj.
School subject: Abbr.
A connected twin
H.S. subj.
Siamese twin
M.I.T. grad
Part of the UK
Famous twin
Celebrated twin
Language: Abbr.
Grade school subj.
Chang's bosom buddy?
H.S. requirement
School study: Abbr.
Sch. subj.
Part of G.B.
Our lang.
Subj. including grammar
Noted twin
London's locale: Abbr.
HS class
Grade sch. class
Chang's conjoined twin
A Siamese twin
Where London is: Abbr.
Part of U.K.
Part of ESL
One of the Siamese twins
HS subject
Famous Siamese twin
College dept.
Chang's closest relative
Chang's brother
Where Dover is: Abbr.
Part of E.S.L.: Abbr.
Neighbor of Scot.
Liberal arts subj.
Lang. class
Chang's constant companion
Chang's closest kin
Bridge builder: Abbr.
Basic school subj.
Twin with a connection
Twin who was quite attached to his brother
Siamese twin name
Part of ESL: Abbr.
One of the U.N.'s official languages
Official lang. of Fiji
Neighbor of Ire.
Neighbor of Fr.
Maj. with a "Great Books" class, perhaps
M.I.T. grad.
London's loc.
Lang. of T.S. Eliot
Lang. of Jamaica
It's south of Scot.
It may be studied as a second lang.
He and Chang were inseparable
Half of a celebrated set of twins
E.S.L. part: Abbr.
Conjoined twin name
Comp. course
Chang's partner
Bath site: Abbr.
Australia's lang.
An official lang. of Malta
2012 Olympics host (Abbr.)
Writer's coll. major, often
Where to have a merrie hol.
Where GMT is based
What I got my B.A. in
University dept.
Univ. dept.
U.S.A. language
U.S. lang.
U.S. adversary in 1812
U.K. part (abbr.)
U.K. lang.
U.K. division
Twin with a heart for his brother?
Twin who adopted the surname Bunker
Twin name
Twin connected to Chang
Tower of London loc.
The king's lang.
The "E" of E.S.L.: Abbr.
The "E" in E.S.L.: Abbr.
Sussex loc.
Surrey loc.
Subj. that involves reading novels
Stonehenge loc.
Side in the War of 1812: Abbr.
Sheffield loc.
Shakespeare's lang.
Setting for PD James whodunits
Scot. neighbor
School course: Abbr.
Sch. course
Sandwich site: Abbr.
S.A.T. subj.
RR man
Reading setting: Abbr.
Reading locale: Abbr.
Queen Anne's War participant: Abbr.
QE II destination
Pt. of ESL
Part of U. K.
Part of the U.K.: Abbr.
Part of OED
Part of Gt. Brit.
Part of Gr. Brit.
Part of Gr. Br.
Part of G. B.
Part of E.E. (abbr.)
Part of Britain: Abbr.
Our language: Abbr.
One Siamese twin
One of the Bunker twins
One of the Bunker brothers (who were famous for their closeness)
One of RSA's 11 official languages
One of a very close pair of brothers
One of a famous set of twins
Official language of Calif.
Official lang. of Mauritius
Official lang. of Malta
Official lang. of Malawi
Official lang. of Jamaica
Official lang. of Guyana
Official lang. of Ghana and Grenada
Official lang. of Barbados
Norfolk loc.
Native lang. for over 400 million
Nat. where the first successful blood transfusion was performed
Name of a famous well-connected man
Major lang.
Maj. that both of this puzzle's authors have college degs. in
M.I.T. graduate
London is its cap.
Lit and comp subj.
Like the Brontes: abbr.
Like the Brontë sisters: abbr.
Like Spender and Spenser: Abbr.
Like Lamb or Bacon: abbr.
Like Elvis Costello, but not Elvis Presley: Abbr.
Like Bacon or Lamb: Abbr.
Like Bacon and Lamb: Abbr.
Liberal arts major: Abbr.
Language of N. Amer.
Language of Kenya: Abbr.
Lang. you speak
Lang. with many ways to pronounce "ough"
Its cap. is London
It's overheard in the U.K.
It's east of the Isle of Man: Abbr.
International lang.
Humanities subj.
Host and winner of the 1966 World Cup: Abbr.
Home of Queen Eliz.
Henry Hudson explored for it: Abbr.
Heath's country: Abbr.
He was quite attached to his brother
He was attached to Chang
He was always very close to his brother
He outlived his twin brother by a few hours
He and his brother were very close
Half of a famous pair
Half a celebrated set
Essay writer's class: Abbr.
ESL part
Derby's home: Abbr.
CPR employee
Course listing abbr.
Compulsory HS subject
Common B.A. major
Coll. major of many writers
Class with vocab. lists
Character in Wallace's "The Two"
Chang's sidekick
Chang's other half
Chang's famous twin
Chang's counterpart
Chang's connected twin
Chang's companion
Chang's closest relative?
Chang's close twin
Chang and ____
Chang and ___ (Siamese twins)
Certain twin's name
C.E., E.E. or M.E.
Bunker brother
Brit's lang.
Bristol loc.
BFA course
Bath setting: Abbr.
BA credit
B.C.E., for example
Arts and Sciences major: Abbr.
An official lang. of Tonga
An official lang. of Kenya
An official lang. of Hong Kong
Ally of the U.S.
A U.S. lang.
A famous twin
A famous conjoined twin
2012 Olympics host: Abbr.
___ Lit. (H.S. subject)