Possible Questions:
- Ham it up
- Gush
- Overact
- Chew the scenery
- Act
- Mug
- Play too broadly
- Perform
- Overdo it on stage
- Throw a tantrum
- Put on a show
- Act the ham
- Put on an act
- Play the ham
- Overplay
- Overdo it onstage
- Behave theatrically
- Wax theatrical
- Get carried away in Hollywood
- Be a ham
- Act melodramatically
- Indulge in cabotinage
- Be theatrical
- Engage in histrionics
- Play to the back row
- Overplay a scene
- Overdo it, in a way
- Feign feelings
- Tread the boards broadly
- Play to the rafters
- Perform with great feeling
- Be melodramatic
- Act badly?
- Act amateurishly
- Show feeling
- Rage onstage
- Overplay onstage
- Overplay a part
- Overdo it
- Overdo a scene
- Get melodramatic
- Do some tub-thumping
- Be histrionic
- Be a drama queen
- Act without restraint
- Act theatrical
- Act the drama queen
- Act excessively expressive
- Act broadly
- Wax rhapsodic, perhaps
- Turn on the dramatics
- Tear a passion to tatters
- Sentimentalize
- Play to the back of the room
- Play act
- Overplay the part
- Overdramatize
- Mug, e.g.
- Milk a scene for all it's worth
- Emulate Duse
- Display histrionics
- Be over the top, while acting
- Be hammy
- Act with passion
- Act the wrong way?
- What hams do
- Theatricalize
- Speak theatrically
- Show one's feelings
- Show feelings
- Pour on the theatrics
- Play to the balcony
- Perform with broad gestures
- Overplay one's part
- Overexpress one's feelings, on stage
- Overdo it, on stage
- Not hold back
- Mug, say
- Mug, maybe
- Milk a scene
- Keep up with a ham?
- Hog the spotlight
- Hardly underplay
- Go over the top, on stage
- Go over the top on Broadway
- Express emotion
- Emulate Valentino
- Emulate Pola Negri
- Emulate Pearl White
- Emulate a ham
- Be overdramatic
- Be melodramatic on stage
- Be actorish
- Be a ham in "Hamlet"
- Act up a storm
- Act unprofessionally?
- Act unprofessionally
- Act poorly
- Act like a thespian
- Act larger than life
- Act badly
- What some stars do
- What some divas do
- Wear one's feelings on one's sleeve
- Wax theatric
- Wax operatic
- Wax histrionic
- Wax dramatic
- Upstage a co-star, perhaps
- Upset a stage coach?
- Upset a stage coach, perhaps
- Turn on the waterworks, maybe
- Try to steal the scene, maybe
- Try to out-ham a ham
- Tread the boards heavily
- Steal the scene, say
- Speak histrionically
- Show too much feeling?
- Show thespian zeal
- Show rage onstage, say
- Show fear, perhaps
- Show anger, say
- Shed tears onstage
- Shed crocodile tears
- Serve up some ham?
- Say it with feeling
- Rage, e.g., onstage
- Push the envelope, theatrically
- Play without restraint
- Play to the peanut gallery
- Play to the last row
- Play to the cheap seats
- Play to the back row and then some
- Play to the back of the theater
- Play to the back of the audience
- Play the Old Vic
- Play the drama queen
- Play much too broadly on stage
- Play it to the hilt
- Play broadly
- Play a role none too subtly
- Perform poorly, perhaps
- Perform histrionically
- Overexpress one's feelings
- Overdramatize lines
- Overdo, onstage
- Overdo the stage directions
- Overdo the dramatics
- Overdo the drama
- Overdo one's lines
- Overdo a scene, say
- Overdo a role
- Overdo a part
- Not play subtly
- Not play it straight
- Not keep one's feelings pent up
- Not act well?
- Not act well
- Not act subtly
- Melodramatize
- Make a big scene?
- Let one's feeling show
- Laugh or cry onstage
- Hardly suppress one's feelings
- Hardly be stoical
- Hardly be deadpan
- Ham-act
- Ham up "Hamlet"
- Ham it up in "Hamlet," say
- Ham it up as Hamlet
- Ham Hamlet
- Gush on stage
- Go too far onstage
- Go too far on the boards
- Go too far in performing
- Go overboard, in a way
- Go overboard on stage
- Go into histrionics
- Get overtheatrical
- Get dramatic
- Get all histrionic
- Frustrate the director, perhaps
- Fake feelings
- Express unsubtly
- Express shock or happiness, say
- Express sentiment
- Express oneself
- Express feeling excessively
- Express effusively
- Express dramatically
- Engage in cabotinage
- Enact a feeling
- Emulate thespians
- Emulate Cabotin
- Emulate Barrymore
- Do one's part poorly?
- Do a part poorly
- Display grief or joy
- Display feeling
- Disappoint Lee Strasberg
- Director's cry to an underactor?
- Declaim theatrically
- Cry too readily, maybe
- Cry on cue, say
- Chew up the set
- Behave like a thespian
- Become maudlin onstage
- Be overtheatrical
- Be Jim Carrey when you should be George Clooney
- Be a hammy Hamlet, say
- Be a ham in "Hamlet"?
- Bathe the stage with bathos
- Affect feeling
- Act, in a way
- Act without subtlety
- Act with great feeling
- Act with feeling
- Act with a flourish
- Act with a capital A
- Act to the hilt
- Act to excess
- Act the ham in "Hamlet"
- Act passionately
- Act over the top?
- Act out?
- Act like Duse
- Act in a certain way
- Act in "East Lynne"
- Act expressively
- Act excessively expressively
- Act dramatically
- Act badly, maybe