Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Sine ___ non
Stop on ___
Like some navels
Most modern
Jefferson Davis's org.
Blacksmiths' wear
Hot Wheels product
Kilowatt-hour fractions
Eavesdropping distance
Top drawer splattered bit of rain (9)
Tell about gym bumbler exploring caves (10)
Stuff left in stomach (4)
Snakes don't start biting insects (4)
Sandwich served for would-be rockers? (6,4)
Relieved oneself in a workout routine move (5, 2, 2)
Readily sequestered
Norse thunder god's in pose riding mount (4,5)
Nine plays about university boredom (5)
Missouri is beginning to turn humid (5)
Mess hall queue
Less frantic in do-it-yourself hooch establishment (10)
It tells you where to go in Bizarro World (5)
Ingredient in a witch's potion
Help board a plane, say
Former Montreal baseballer working for interpreter (9)
Foolish embrace in Arizona town (7)
Face of white bunny - very big one (7)
Dope! Callas is lying about Peron (9)
Connecticut city on the Quinnipiac River
Climb to investigate blast (7)
Breaks down start of Academy Awards (9)
Big waves miss tuna at sea (8)
African cooked tangy pie (8)
"Turn, Turn, Turn" originally covered by A&E (6)
"Man up, Jack" (4)