Possible Questions:
- Spoiler
- Godmother, often
- Grandparent, frequently
- Senile one
- One who mollycoddles
- Mothering sort
- Grandparent, sometimes
- Grandparent, often
- Grandma or grandpa, often
- Spoiler, perhaps
- Overindulgent parent, e.g.
- New grandparent, often
- Motherly type
- Lavisher of love and attention
- Lavisher of attention
- Indulgent sort
- Grandmotherly type
- Fond grandparent
- Fond fellow
- Overly-fond one
- Overindulgent one
- Overfond one
- One who's more than attentive
- One who is overly fond
- Mother hen, e.g.
- Loving grandma, for example
- He's too fond
- Grandpa, often
- Grandpa, maybe
- Grandma, at times
- Fond uncle, e.g.
- Excessively fond one
- Almost any grandma
- Adoring one