Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Girl's name
Dickens girl
Dickens character
Tennyson poem
Tennyson heroine
Copperfield's first wife
Dickens heroine
"Cannery Row" character
TV explorer
Poem by Tennyson
Mrs. Copperfield
Cartoon explorer
Toon explorer
Nickelodeon's explorer
Nickelodeon explorer
"Dumb" girl of old comics
The first Mrs. Copperfield
Explorer of kids' TV
Dumb ___
Nickelodeon's "___ the Explorer"
Mrs. David Copperfield
Kidvid explorer
Dumb one
"David Copperfield" character
"___ the Explorer" (kids' show)
"___ the Explorer" (kid's show)
David Copperfield's first wife
Nickelodeon's little explorer
Nickelodeon cartoon explorer
Kid-vid explorer
Animated explorer
"Dumb" comics girl
"___ the Explorer"
___ Maar (Picasso subject)
Young toon explorer
TV's kid explorer
TV's bilingual explorer
TV 'explorer'
Popular children's explorer
Picasso's "___ Maar Seated"
Memorable 1964 Florida hurricane
First Mrs. Copperfield
Fictional Copperfield
Explorer on Nick Jr.
Explorer of kids' cartoons
Explorer of kiddie TV
Dumb girl of comicdom
Dickens's ___ Spenlow
Dickens lass
Copperfield's bride
Comic-strip heroine
Chic Young's dimwit character
Cartoon girl with a talking backpack
Cartoon explorer with a cousin named Diego
Cartoon character with a backpack and map
Animated "Explorer"
Animated 'Explorer'
A Copperfield
"Dumb ___" (old comic strip)
"David Copperfield" woman
"David Copperfield" wife
"___ the Explorer" (kids show)
''The Explorer'' of kid TV
''Explorer'' of kids' TV
''Dumb ___'' (old comic strip)
''___ the Explorer'' (kids' TV show)
''___ the Explorer''
___ Maar (Picasso's muse)
TV's "I Married ___": 1987
TV toon explorer
TV girl with a talking map
TV explorer of note
TV character voiced by Kathleen Herles
TV "explorer"
Toon with a singing map
Toon explorer with a monkey friend named Boots
Spanish-speaking explorer
She's an explorer
She may not be so dumb
She has a squirrel friend named Tico
Seven-year-old TV character whose last name is Marquez
Seven-year-old explorer
Pseudonym of a noted Freud patient
Picasso's "___ Maar au Chat"
Picasso subject __ Maar
One of the Copperfields
Noted explorer traveling with a monkey
NickJr.com character
Nickelodeon's girl explorer
Nickelodeon's ___ the Explorer
Nickelodeon girl with a backpack
Nickelodeon cartoon girl
Nickelodeon 'explorer'
Nick Jr.'s the Explorer' '--
Name of an explorer on Nickelodeon
Name literally meaning "gifts"
Mrs. Copperfield, née Spenlow
Mount ___, Fla. resort
Little explorer on Nickelodeon
Kidvid girl with a talking map
Kidvid girl with a backpack
Kidvid character surnamed Marquez
Kiddie explorer
Girl explorer of kid lit
Friend of Boots the Monkey, on kids' TV
Friend of Boots the Monkey
Flood of "Cannery Row"
Fictional explorer who also plays the flute
Feminist Russell
Explorer with a friend named Boots
Explorer whose last name is Marquez
Explorer on PBS
Explorer on Nickelodeon
Explorer on Nick
Explorer on many a young kid's backpack
Explorer of Nickelodeon
Explorer of kidvid
Explorer Marquez
Dumb one of old comics
Dumb one of comics
Dumb girl in "Match Game" questions
Dumb girl
Dumb _____
Dumb ___ (scatterbrain)
Dickens's Miss Spenlow
Destructive 1964 Florida hurricane
David's first wife in "David Copperfield"
David Copperfield's wife
Cousin of Diego in a kids' cartoon
Copperfield's love
Copperfield's childish bride
Copperfield's child-wife
Copperfield's child wife
Copperfield's "child-wife"
Companion of Boots the Monkey
Celebrated Sigmund Freud patient
Celebrated Freud case
Cartoon girl with a pink T-shirt and orange shorts
Cartoon girl with a loud voice and large eyes
Cartoon girl with a backpack that sings
Cartoon character with a backpack
Cartoon character who says "Swiper, no swiping!"
Canadian theatre award
Birth control activist Russell
Bilingual TV cartoon explorer
Animated explorer Marquez
Ancient Canaanite seaport
1920s birth control advocate Russell
"The Explorer" of kiddie TV
"Not so dumb" girl of comics
"Gifted" girl
"Explorer" of kids' TV
"Explorer" girl
"Dumb" girl of comicdom
"Dumb" girl
"Dumb ___" (old comic)
"Dumb ___" ("Blondie" precursor)
"Dumb ___" ("Blondie" forerunner)
"Dumb ___," old comic strip
"Dumb _____" (old comic)
"Cannery Row" woman
"Cannery Row" restaurant owner __ Flood
"Cannery Row" brothel owner
"___ the Explorer" (Nickelodeon show)
"__ the Explorer": kids' TV show
'Explorer' girl
'David Copperfield' character
''Cannery Row'' character
___ the Explorer
___ Spenlow (Dickens girl)
___ Marquez, Nickelodeon cartoon girl
___ Maar, Picasso subject
___ Maar (Picasso mistress and subject)
___ Baltea, Po feeder