Possible Questions:
- English poet
- Metaphysical poet
- "No man is an island" poet John
- "Death Be Not Proud" poet
- "No man is an island" poet
- "Holy Sonnets" poet
- "No man is an island" writer
- "Death, be not proud" poet
- Poet John
- English metaphysical poet
- "Go and catch a falling star" poet
- "Death, be not proud" poet John
- "Death Be Not Proud" poet John
- 'Death Be Not Proud' poet
- Preacher-poet of the 17th century
- "It tolls for thee" poet
- "Holy Sonnets" writer
- "Go, and catch a falling star" poet
- "For whom the bell tolls" writer
- "Batter My Heart" poet
- 'No man is an island' writer
- Sonneteer John
- Preacher-poet of the 17th c.
- Poet biographized by Izaak Walton
- Noted elegist
- Metaphysical poet: 1573–1631
- Metaphysical poet of the 1600s
- John who wrote "Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies"
- Izaak Walton was his biographer
- He wrote "Devotions"
- He wrote " . . .for whom the bell tolls"
- He said, "No man is an island"
- Greatest of the metaphysical poets
- Great "metaphysical poet"
- First metaphysical poet
- Famed metaphysical poet
- English poet-clergyman
- English poet and clergyman: 1573–1631
- English poet 1573–1631
- English poet John ____
- Elizabethan sonneteer John
- Cleric-poet
- Clergyman/poet John
- "Woman's Constancy" poet John
- "Twicknam Garden" poet
- "The Flea" poet
- "The Bait" poet
- "Nature's lay idiot, I taught thee to love" penner
- "Meditation XVII" writer
- "Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies" penner
- "Holy Sonnets" poet John
- "For Whom the Bell Tolls" poet
- "For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love" poet
- "Divine Poems" author
- "Death, be not proud ..." poet John
- "Death be not proud" writer
- "Air and Angels" poet
- ". . . for whom the bell tolls" penner
- 'Satires' poet
- 'No man is an island' writer John
- 'No man is an island' poet
- 'Divine Poems' poet
- ''Divine Poems'' author
- ''Death be not proud'' poet John