Possible Questions:
- Fixed
- Preserved, in a way
- Preserved
- Healed
- Remedied
- Like many hams
- Solved
- Restored
- Made well
- Like bacon
- Sound again
- Smoked meat
- Salted
- Made sound
- Like bacon and many hams
- Well, now
- Treated ham
- Tanned, in a way
- Smoked, as meat
- Smoked or salted
- Smoked or pickled
- Preserved, as meat
- Preserved, as bacon
- Prepared pork, perhaps
- Prepared beef
- No longer sick
- No longer ill
- No longer ailing
- Like prosciutto
- Like most hams
- Like bacon, pastrami, and most hams
- Healthy again
- Found a remedy for
- Fixed up, in a way
- Back to normal
- As good as new, healthwise
- All better