Possible Questions:
- Civil War initials
- Civil War letters
- Civil War inits.
- Civil War monogram
- Civil War org.
- Richmond was its cap.
- Robert E. Lee's org.
- Lee side: Abbr.
- Civil War side: Abbr.
- Lee side?
- Jefferson Davis's org.
- Jeff Davis's org.
- Stars and Bars org.
- Secessionists, initially
- Rebs' gp.
- R.E. Lee's outfit
- Lee's letters
- Civil War gp.
- U.S. foe of old
- R.E. Lee's org.
- Gray side: Abbr.
- Govt. headed by Davis
- Gen. Lee's side
- Gen. Lee's grp.
- 1860s insignia
- 1860s govt.
- Union foe: Abbr.
- Union fighter: Abbr.
- U.S. Grant target
- Rebs' letters
- Rebs' grp.
- Rebel org.
- Rebel inits.
- Rebel govt.
- Reb's org.
- R. E. Lee's group
- R. E. Lee's cause
- Monogram of 1861
- Miss., Ala., etc., once
- Letters on some collectible belt buckles
- Lee's side: abbr.
- Johnny Reb's govt.
- Jefferson Davis's nat.
- Jefferson Davis was its pres.
- Jeff Davis's govt.
- Its capital was Richmond, Va.
- Gray letters
- Gray grp.
- Dixie initials
- Davis was its pres.
- Civil War insignia
- Civil War grp.
- Civ. War side
- 1860s initials
- 1860's initials
- 11-member grp.
- "GWTW" side
- "Deo vindice" was its motto: Abbr.
- Whom R.E. Lee fought for
- Vegetable share letters
- Union-opposing grp.
- Union-busting grp.?
- Union opposer: Abbr.
- Union busters of the 19th cen.
- They broke their link with Linc.
- The South, once: Abbr.
- The South, in the Civil War: Abbr.
- The Grays' side: Abbr.
- The Gray: Abbr.
- Stars and Bars letters
- Stars and Bars inits.
- Stars and Bars gp.
- Side in 1863
- Short-lived 1800s govt.
- Seasonal produce source: Abbr.
- S.C. was in it
- Robt. E. Lee's cause
- Robert E. Lee's side
- Robert E. Lee's outfit
- Rebs' org.
- Rebs' nation: Abbr.
- Rebs' govt.
- Reb's letters
- Reb's govt.
- Reb's government
- Reb letters
- R.E.L.'s supporters
- R.E.L.'s nation
- R.E.L.'s group
- R.E. Lee's side
- R.E. Lee's land
- R.E. Lee's country
- R.E. Lee's cause
- R.E. Lee's allegiance
- R. E. Lee's org.
- R. E. Lee's land
- Product rating org.
- Pres. Davis's org.
- Pres. Davis' domain
- Pres. Davis led it
- Pres. Davis headed it
- Org. of one of the six flags over Texas
- Org. of 1861
- Org. of 11 Southern states
- Org. Lincoln opposed
- Org. formed in 1860–61
- Org. for Va., but not Md.
- Old Richmond-based org.
- Letters on some Civil War buckles
- Letters on some Civil War belt buckles
- Letters for Lee
- Letters for Jefferson Davis
- Lee's org.
- Lee's group: Abbr.
- Lee's gp.
- Lee side?: abbr.
- Lee org.
- Johnny Reb's org.
- Johnny Reb's group
- Jefferson Davis's gp.
- Jefferson Davis's govt.
- Jefferson Davis's domain: Abbr.
- Jefferson Davis' org.
- Jefferson Davis' gov.
- Jefferson Davis' domain, abbr.
- Jefferson Davis was its only pres.
- Jefferson Davis org.
- Jeff Davis's org
- Jeff Davis's gp.
- Jeff Davis's gov't.
- Jeff Davis's cause: Abbr.
- Jeff Davis country
- J.E.B. Stuart's side
- J.E.B. Stuart's outfit
- J.E.B. Stuart's country
- J.E.B. Stuart served it
- J. Davis org.
- Its motto was "Deo Vindice": Abbr.
- It was for Rebels
- Inits. for R.E. Lee
- Inits. for Johnny Reb
- Initials of 1860
- Initials for an 1860–65 alliance
- Industrial standards grp.
- Home of Johnny Reb
- Historical initials of 1861
- Grp. with three anthems: "The Bonnie Blue Flag," "God Save the South" and "Dixie"
- Grp. with the motto "Deo vindice"
- Grp. that whistled ''Dixie''?
- Grp. that dissolved in 1865
- Grp. represented by the Southern Cross
- Grp. in gray
- Group for J.D. and R.E.L.
- Group defeated in '65
- Green grocery option: Abbr.
- Gray gp.
- Gp. whose military wore gray
- Gp. that whistled "Dixie"?
- Gp. that offers produce straight from the farm, for short
- Govt. headed by Jefferson Davis
- Govt. founded in 1861
- Govt. formed in Montgomery
- Government whose second capital was Richmond, Virg.
- Gen. Lee's side: Abbr.
- Gen. Lee's org.
- Gen. Lee's gp.
- Gen. Lee's employer
- Gen. Lee's cause
- Former pres. Tyler sided with it
- Force in gray: Abbr.
- Farmers' market letters
- Farmer's market pick-up: Abbr.
- Farmer's market letters
- Ex-president Tyler sided with it: Abbr.
- Dixie, initially?
- Davis's union: Abbr.
- Davis's home: Abbr.
- Davis's domain: Abbr.
- Davis' org.
- Davis org.
- Davis domain: abbr.
- Danville, Va., was its last capital
- Civil War gp. led by Jefferson Davis
- Civil War faction (Abbr.)
- Civil War alliance: Abbr.
- Civil War abbr.
- Cause for R.E.L.
- Canadian manufacturing standards org.
- Ark. joined this alliance
- Anti-U.S. government
- Alliance formed in 1860-61: Abbr.
- 2003 what-if mockumentary about the aftermath of the South's Civil War victory
- 19th-cen. alliance
- 1861 initials
- 1860s org.
- 1860s letters
- 1860s govt. for four years
- 1860s abbr.
- 1860's insignia
- 1860–65 org.
- 11-member 19th-century org.
- "The Bonnie Blue Flag" org.
- "Stars and Bars" flag org.
- "GWTW" alliance
- "G.W.T.W." group