Possible Questions:
- Staff symbol
- Musical symbol
- Musical sign
- Musical notation
- Staff leader?
- Pitch indicator
- Staff member?
- Music symbol
- Staff leader
- Bass, for one
- Musical staff symbol
- Symbol on a staff
- Sheet music symbol
- Score symbol
- Bass ___
- Musical mark
- Bass or treble, e.g.
- Treble or bass
- It's on the staff
- Staff notation
- Sheet-music symbol
- Music sign
- G or F, on sheet music
- Symbol on a musical staff
- Staff opening
- Score marking
- Musical marking
- Music-score marking
- Staff sign
- Music-staff symbol
- It has a staff position
- Bass or treble
- Treble symbol
- Symbol in music
- Staff symbol before the key signature
- Sign on a staff
- Pitch symbol
- Musical character
- Music-score header
- It may be on the staff
- C or G
- Treble, for one
- Tenor ___
- Symbol on a musical score
- Symbol before the key signature
- Symbol before a key signature
- Sheet-music marking
- Sheet music squiggle
- Musical staff insignia
- Music-score symbol
- Music staff symbol
- Music notation
- Key signature preceder
- G, F or C
- First symbol on a musical staff
- C or G, e.g.
- Bass, treble or C
- Bass, treble or alto
- Word with bass or treble
- Treble or tenor
- Treble or bass, on music
- Treble or bass symbol
- Treble and bass symbol
- Treble --
- Time-signature preceder
- Symbol on the front of some bars
- Symbol before the sharps and flats
- Staff header
- Sign seen in front of some bars
- Sign for Sondheim
- Sign at the front of some bars
- Sheet music sign
- Roman à ___
- Roman à---
- Register indicator
- Range indicator
- Pitch setter
- Pitch caller?
- Pierre's key
- Part of a staff
- One that heads up the staff
- Musical score symbol
- Musical pitch symbol
- Music sheet marking
- Music score symbol
- Music guide mark
- Lee Van ___ (spaghetti western actor)
- It's usually first on the staff
- It may be C, F or G
- Indicator of pitch
- G, maybe
- G or treble
- G ___
- French word for "key"
- First symbol on a music line
- Figure on a staff
- F or G, e.g.
- Curvy music figure
- Composer's curlicue
- Character on a staff
- C, F, or G
- C ___
- Bass symbol
- Bass or baritone
- Base or treble
- Bar figure