Possible Questions:
- Checked out
- Sized up
- Boxed
- Enclosed
- Put in a box
- Surveyed
- Packed
- Packed in boxes
- Scoped out
- Investigated
- Put in a container
- Packaged
- Examined carefully
- Studied for a heist
- Looked over the joint
- Inspected the joint
- Inspected
- Checked out, as before a heist
- Looked over, in a way
- Checked out before robbing
- Studied carefully, as a "joint"
- Scouted for a heist
- Planned to rob
- Placed in a box
- Looked over larcenously
- In a box
- Examined, as before a robbery
- Examined, as a joint
- Checked out before a heist
- Boxed up
- Took a first look, as a crook
- Surveyed the joint
- Surveyed surreptitiously
- Studied with felonious intent
- Studied "the joint"
- Sized up the joint
- Scrutinized, with ill intent
- Scoped out, before a heist
- Scoped out, before a burglary
- Scoped out sneakily
- Scoped out a joint
- Researched before robbing
- Put into crates
- Previewed, as a joint
- Prepared to rob
- Prepared for shipment
- Packed up for shipment
- Packed up
- Looked the place over
- Looked the joint over
- Looked over, as a bank before a heist
- Looked over carefully
- Looked over before a heist
- Looked for security cameras, say
- Like warehouse goods
- Like some joints
- Like bottles of beer
- Inspected, Sutton style
- Inspected for a heist
- In a protective container
- Gave a place the once-over
- Examined, pre-burglary
- Examined, before a heist
- Examined before robbing
- Examined before a job
- Examined a joint?
- Evaluated for robbing
- Did pre-heist recon
- Checked the joint
- Checked out, in crimespeak
- Checked out, before a job
- Checked out, as a joint
- Checked out the joint
- Checked out for nefarious purposes
- Checked out before a job
- Checked out badly?
- Checked out (the joint)
- Checked before a heist
- --- the joint