Possible Questions:
- Kind
- Raise
- Variety
- Type
- Strain
- Produce
- Engender
- Nurture
- Lineage
- Multiply
- Pullulate
- Spawn
- Pedigree
- Bloodline
- Propagate
- Shetland, e.g.
- Boxer, for one
- Siamese or Persian
- Merino, for one
- Kennel club info
- Kennel club classification
- Dog show category
- Animal variety
- Raise, as cattle
- Poodle, e.g.
- Canine classification
- Canine category
- Burmese, e.g.
- AKC classification
- AKC category
- Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show category
- Labradoodle, e.g.
- Kennel-club classification
- Dog-show category
- Dog show designation
- Dog show classification
- Dog classification
- Distinct variety of a species
- AKC certificate notation
- Yorkshire terrier for one
- Westminster judge's concern
- Westminster concern
- Variety, as of an animal
- Start a family
- Sheltie or Saluki
- Raise livestock
- Raise cattle
- Produce in a reactor
- Poodle or dachshund, e.g.
- Plymouth Rock, to a chicken farmer
- Pass on your genes
- Make babies
- Lhasa apso or Labrador
- Kennel-club listing
- Kennel club listing
- Kennel Club category
- It may have its own registry
- Guernsey or Hereford
- Dalmatian or Pomeranian
- Collie or poodle, e.g.
- Black Angus e.g.
- Best of ___
- Beagle or boxer, e.g.
- Airedale, e.g., for dogs
- Afghan or Tibetan
- A.K.C. category
- "How use doth ___ a habit . . . ": Shak.