Possible Questions:
- "___ sow, so shall ..."
- "___ sow ..."
- "... so long ___ both shall live?"
- ". . . so long ___ both shall live?"
- "___ sow . . . "
- "... long __ both shall live?"
- "___ sow, so shall . . ."
- "Such ___ have sown . . . "
- "___ sow, so shall..."
- "__ sow, so shall ..."
- "__ sow, so . . ."
- " ___ sow, so shall . . ."
- ''___ sow, so shall ...''
- Words in a sowing adage
- Start of a sowing adage
- Start of a "sowing" adage
- First words of a saying from Job 4:8
- "Such ___ have sown . . . ": Lydgate
- "Such __ have sown . . . ": Lydgate
- "So long ___ both shall . . . "
- "For --- sow..."
- "For ___ sow..."
- "...so long --- both shall live?"
- "...so long ___ both shall live?"
- "... so long ___ both shall live"
- "... so long __ both shall live?"
- "... long ___ both shall live?"
- "--- sow, so shall..."
- "_____sow..."
- "_____ sow, so shall..."
- "____ sow, so shall..."
- "___ sow, so..."
- "___ sow, so shall ... "
- "___ sow, so . . . "
- "___ sow, . . . "
- "___ sew, so shall ye rip"
- "___ do, so he shall do": Numbers 15:14
- "___ Came From the Holy Land" (classic poem)
- "__ sow,..."
- "__ sow, so shall . . ."
- "__ sow ..."
- " ___ sow, so..."
- " ___ sow, so shall ..."
- " ___ reap ..."
- ''___ sow. . .``
- ''__ shall sow . . .''
- '...so long -- both shall live?'
- '-- sow, so shall ...'