Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Clarifying words
Phrase of clarification
A ___ apple
A ___ Able
Z ___ zebra
"It's ___ to tell a lie"
Speller's phrase
Clarifying phrase
"It's ___ to tell . . . "
X ___ xylophone
Words of clarification
Hindu month
Alphabet book phrase
B-boy link
"Pleasure's ___ . . . ": Byron
Z __ "zebra"
Z-zebra link
Q ___ queen
B ___ boy
"It's ___" (Pet Shop Boys hit)
Z --- zebra
Speller's words of clarification
Speller's words
Explanatory words
Clarification phrase
B ___ Baker
"Q ___ queen"
"A ___ Able"
Z _____ zebra
Z ____ zebra
X --- xylophone
Words clarifying a spelling
V __ Victor
Speller's clarification
S ___ sugar
Q ___ "Quebec"
It's ___ to tell a lie
D-day connection
Clarification words
C ___ Charlie
B -- boy
Abecedary link
A ____ apple
''It's ___ to Tell a Lie''
Z ___ zebra
X, __ "xylophone"
Words of explanation, to a speller
Words of explanation in spelling
Words explaining a spelling
What it is to tell a lie
V-Victor connection
T -- 'Tom'
T ___ tiger
T ___ Thomas
T __ tango
T __ "Tom"
Spelling-out phrase
Spelling-help phrase
Spelling clarifying words
Spelling clarification
Speller's clarifying phrase
S-sugar link
S -- 'Sam'
Q-Quebec connector
Part of a speller's clarification
P -- 'Peter'
P ___ Peter
P __ papa
P __ "Phony"
M _____ Mary
M ___ Mary
M __ "mnemonic"
M __ "mastodon"
L __ "leeway"
J-judge connection
J ___ judge
J __ Juliet
It's _____ to tell a lie
It's ____ to Tell a Lie
F -- 'Frank'
E ___ Easter
D-delta connection
D-day divider?
D ___ dog
D ___ Dennis
D ___ David
Clarifying words when spelling a name over the phone
Clarifying link
B-bravo link
B-boy insert
B-boy connection?
B-boy connection
B-book connection
B-ball filler?
B battery filler?
Abecedary phrase
Abecedarium phrase
Abecedarian phrase
A-apple link
A-alfa link
A -- apple
A -- 'apple'
A ___ Abie
A ___ aardvark
A __ apple
A __ alfa
A __ "apple"
"Z" ___ "zebra"
"Z _____ zebra"
"S ____ sugar"
"It's --- to Tell a Lie"
"It's _____ to tell a lie"
"It's ___ to tell ..."
"It's __ to tell ..."
"I sometimes hold it half ___ . . . "
"B ___ boy"
"B __ boy"
"A --- apple"
"___ neighbor and weigh"
"___ confessed is half forgiven": John Ray
" . . . ___ to covet honor": Shak.
'Here we are olden days ...' --
'A' -- 'apple'
. . . ____ To Tell a Lie
___ a dream