Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Trash holder
Fireplace receptacle
Depth charge
Trash receptacle
Sub sinker
Depth charge, slangily
Refuse receptacle
Garbage receptacle
Depth charge, in slang
Waste receptacle
Refuse holder
Place to throw garbage
Garbage holder
Garbage collector
Early 20th-century art movement
American realist school
Small receptacle
School of painting
School of art
School of American art
Refuse container
Realist artistic movement
Picnic paper's destination
Destroyer's depth charge
Depth charge, to a gob
Certain trash receptacle
___ School (early 20th-century art group)
Waste place
Urban school of art
Trash bin
Sub sinker or trash receptacle
Sub drubber
Sidewalk sight
School of painters: c. 1908
School of painters, c. 1908
Rubbish bin
Rubbish barrel
Prendergast's school
New York school of art
Navy word for a depth charge
Metallic garbage holder
Early 1900's school of painters
Discard place
Depth charge: Slang
Depth charge in slang
Depth bomb, to a gob
Coal-user's receptacle
Artists' ___ School: 1908
Art school name
Antisub weapon, slangily
Antisub weapon
--- School (early 20th-century art group)
___ School (20th-century art group)