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Possible Questions:
Inert gas
Light gas
It's a gas
Gaseous element
A noble gas
Odorless gas
Noble gas
One of the noble gases
Vacuum tube filler
About 1% of the atmosphere
Vacuum tube gas
Light bulb gas
Fluorescent tube gas
Inert element
Element #18
Light-bulb gas
Common inert gas
Incandescent lamp gas
Incandescent bulb gas
Fluorescent bulb filler
Vacuum-tube gas
Rare gas
Most common inert gas in the atmosphere
Inert gaseous element
Inert gas used in welding
Gaseous element in our atmosphere
Gas in incandescent lamps, perhaps
Fluorescent-lamp filler
Fluorescent bulb gas
Earth's most abundant noble gas
About 1% of the Earth's atmosphere
About 1 percent of the Earth's atmosphere
Third-most common gas in the atmosphere
Scientific discovery of 1894
Radio-tube element
Radio tube gas
Part of the atmosphere
One of the 6 noble gases
Odorless, colorless, inert gas
Number 18
Most common of the noble gases
Most common noble gas
Most common inert gas
Laser gas
It lights up when it's excited
Inactive gas
Helium group gas
Gas used in light tubes
Gas used in incandescent lamps
Gas in incandescent bulbs
Gas in fluorescent bulbs
Gas in bulbs
Fluorescent lamp filler
First noble gas discovered
Element whose name roughly means "lazy"
Element whose name comes from Greek for "inactive"
Element in radio tubes
Element in air
Electric-bulb gas
Composition of some plasmas
Common noble gas
Common inert gas in the atmosphere
Bulb gas
Atomic number 18
Almost 1% of the Earth's atmosphere
Air element
About 1% of what you just inhaled
About 1 percent of the atmosphere
A gaseous element
#18 on the periodic table
.93% of the earth's atmosphere