Possible Questions:
- Source of the words "zenith" and "nadir"
- Like our numerals
- Kind of numeral
- Like some numerals
- Middle East language
- Semitic language
- Mideast language
- Type of numeral
- Language of the Koran
- Language of Qatar
- Gum ___
- One of the U.N.'s official languages
- Numeral type
- Language of the Quran
- Kind of numerals
- Al Jazeera speech
- With French, one of two official languages of Chad
- Whence the word "alcohol"
- Syrian language
- Source of the word "alcohol"
- Source of the word "admiral"
- Source of the word ''algebra''
- Source of "coffee" and "cotton"
- One of the U.N.'s six official languages
- One of six official U.N. languages
- Official language of Libya
- Mubarak's language
- Mideastern language
- Mauritania's official language
- Like the digits 0-9
- Like our numbers
- Like numerals 0-9, e.g.
- Like 10, but not X
- Like 1, not I
- Like 1, but not I
- Like 1-2-3, vis-a-vis I-II-III
- Like 0 through 9, e.g.
- Language whose alphabet starts alif, ba, ta, tha ...
- Language that gives us "hashish"
- Language of the newspaper Al-Hayat
- Language of Syria
- Language of Libya
- Language of Lebanon
- Language from which "hashish" comes
- Language from which "cotton" and "candy" are derived
- Koran language
- Jordanian's language
- Jordan's tongue
- Its alphabet starts with alif
- It's heard in Palestine
- Iraqi language
- Hussein's language
- Egyptian's tongue
- Egyptian tongue
- Egyptian language
- Egypt's official language
- Describing the world's numbers
- Describing our numeral system
- Describing our numbers
- Certain numerals
- A Semitic language
- 1, 2, 3, vis-a-vis I, II, III
- 1, 2 vis-Ã -vis I, II