Possible Questions:
- Sleepy
- Give ___ to (approve)
- Give ___ of approval
- ''. . . ___, up the chimney he rose''
- "And giving __, up the chimney ..."
- "And giving ___, up the chimney he rose"
- "And giving ___, up the chimney ..."
- Give ___ to (acknowledge)
- Give __ to: okay
- "With a wink and ___"
- "And giving ___, up the chimney . . . ": Moore
- "___ is as good as a wink"
- ''And giving ___, up the chimney . . .''
- It was given by St. Nicholas
- Give --- of approval
- Give -- to (approve)
- Give __: okay
- Give ____ to (acknowledge silently)
- Give ___ to (O.K.)
- Give ___ of approval to
- Give ___ (say O.K.)
- Give __ to: express approval of
- Give __ to: approve
- Give __ to (authorize)
- "With a wink and ___ ..."
- "And giving __, up the chimney he rose"
- "And giving __, up the chimney . . ."
- "And giving ___, up the chimney . . . "
- "And giving ___ . . . ": C. Moore
- "And giving ___ . . . "
- "...wink and ---..."
- "... ---, up the chimney he rose"
- "--- is as good as a wink"
- 'And giving --, up the chimney ...'
- ''And giving __, up . . .''
- ''___ is as good as a wink''