Possible Questions:
- Blackbird
- Singer DiFranco
- Cuckoo
- Black cuckoo
- Black bird
- Bird
- "Wheel of Fortune" purchase
- "Wheel of Fortune" buy
- "Wheel of Fortune" request
- Folk rocker DiFranco
- Witch bird
- Violinist Kavafian
- Tropical bird
- Keep ___ on (watch)
- Folk singer DiFranco
- Young Darth Vader's nickname
- "32 Flavors" singer DiFranco
- Singer/songwriter DiFranco
- Request to Sajak
- Crossword bird
- What makes a plan plain?
- Singer-songwriter DiFranco
- Cuckoo bird
- What causes Fred to be fired?
- "Not a Pretty Girl" singer DiFranco
- "Fuel" performer DiFranco
- ''Wheel of Fortune'' purchase
- Tropical cuckoo
- Songwriter DiFranco
- Keelbill
- "Gimme ___!" (start of an Iowa State cheer)
- What gives a pose poise?
- Righteous Babe Records founder DiFranco
- Punk/folk singer DiFranco
- Ms. DiFranco
- Folk-rocker DiFranco
- DiFranco of song
- Darth, at one time
- American cuckoo
- "Wheel of Fortune" purchase, sometimes
- "Star Wars" saga nickname
- "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" boy
- "Little Plastic Castle" singer DiFranco
- "Joyful Girl" singer DiFranco
- Young Darth Vader
- Wheel spinner's buy
- What makes a chef chief?
- Vocalist DiFranco
- Purchase from Pat Sajak
- Pop singer DiFranco
- Nickname for young Skywalker
- It goes before E except after C
- Indiana cheerleader's request
- Game show buy
- Folk rock's DiFranco
- DiFranco of Righteous Babe Records
- Darth Vader's boyhood nickname
- Darth Vader, as a boy
- Capital of medieval Armenia
- Black tropical American cuckoo
- "Wheel" purchase
- "Wheel of Fortune" purchase?
- "Star Wars" nickname
- "I'd like to buy __"
- "I'd like to buy ___, Pat!"
- "Harvest" singer DiFranco
- ''Wheel of Fortune'' request, perhaps
- Young Skywalker's nickname
- Young Darth
- Without this, a maid is mad
- Wheel spinner's purchase
- Wheel of Fortune request
- What Vanna may turn over
- What the maid lost to be mad?
- What the maid loses to be mad?
- What goes in a nose to make noise?
- Vader, as a boy
- Tropical black bird
- Skywalker, to his pals
- Righteous Babe Records name
- Purchase from Sajak
- Purchase from Pat Sajak, perhaps
- Punker/folkie DiFranco
- Occasional "Wheel of Fortune" purchase
- Nickname for a Skywalker in "The Phantom Menace"
- Luke and Leia's dad's nickname
- Long-tailed black cuckoo
- Keelbird
- It goes before E except after C, sometimes
- Indie rocker DiFranco
- Hangman request
- Groove-billed bird
- Groove-billed ___
- Gracklelike bird
- Folksinger DiFranco
- Folkie DiFranco
- Folk artist DiFranco
- Feminist musician DiFranco
- Dotted line?
- Darth, as a boy
- Boy in "The Phantom Menace"
- Artist DiFranco
- Alex and ___ (jewelers)
- A Vanna turnover
- $250 TV purchase
- "Wheel of Fortune" purchase, perhaps
- "Wheel of Fortune" buy, perhaps
- "Verses" poet DiFranco
- "Star Wars" boy
- "Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace" boy
- "Shameless" singer DiFranco
- "Red Letter Year" singer DiFranco
- "Gimme __!": start of a Hawkeye cheer
- "Both Hands" singer DiFranco
- Young Vader, to friends
- Young Skywalker, informally
- Young Skywalker
- Young Darth Vader, to friends
- Without one, a maid is mad
- Why a maid's not mad?
- Wheel of Fortune choice
- What the maid lost to get mad?
- What Mississippi cheerleaders ask for a lot
- What makes Van vain?
- What makes Shrek shriek?
- What helps a nose make noise?
- What helps a nose make a noise?
- What goes into your nose to make noise
- What goes in your nose to make noise?
- What goes in one's nose to make noise?
- What goes in nose to make noise?
- What April has, unlike any other month?
- What a "Wheel of Fortune" contestant might buy
- Vanna turnover?
- Vanna turnover, perhaps
- Vanna turnover
- Tropical American bird
- Tickbird
- The Skywalker boy, for short
- Taking it away makes a maid mad?
- Spaghetti end?
- Something to buy from Sajak
- Something Sajak sells
- Singer DiFranco with the album “Puddle Dive”
- Singer DiFranco with the album "Up Up Up Up Up Up"
- Singer DiFranco with the album "Knuckle Down"
- Singer DiFranco with the album "¿Which Side Are You On?"
- Singer DiFranco with the 2007 album "Canon"
- Singer DiFranco who records on the Righteous Babe label
- Sci-fi character whose mother is Shmi
- Savanna blackbird
- Roadrunner's relative
- Road runner's relative
- Road runner's cousin
- Righteous Babe Records mogul DiFranco
- Righteous Babe Records founder Di Franco
- Righteous Babe record label founder DiFranco
- Request to Vanna White
- Request to Pat Sajak, sometimes
- Purchase revealed by Vanna, perhaps
- Purchase from Vanna, perhaps
- Purchase from Vanna
- Padmé's on-screen love
- Padme's love
- Nickname in the "Star Wars" prequels
- Nickname for the young Darth Vader
- New World cuckoo
- Musician DiFranco
- Musician and label owner DiFranco
- Major-label critic DiFranco
- Maid is mad without this
- Luke's Dad, for short
- Luke and Leia's dad, for short
- Lizard-eating cuckoo
- Little orphan bird?
- Kind of cuckoo
- Keel-billed bird
- It's in the center of similes
- It's dotted
- It may be groove-billed
- It may be dotted?
- It may be dotted
- Illinois cheerleader's frequent request
- Hangman choice, sometimes
- Hangman choice
- Groove-billed bird of crosswords
- Grammy winner DiFranco
- Grackle's cousin
- Good "Wheel of Fortune" purchase for STRING BIKINI
- Frog-eating bird
- Folky DiFranco
- Folksy DiFranco
- Folk rock's ___ DiFranco
- Fla. bird
- First thing Iowa State cheerleaders ask for?
- First thing an Indiana cheerleader calls for
- First name in feminist folk-rock
- Feminist icon DiFranco
- DiFranco with the double album "Living in Clip"
- DiFranco with the 2008 album "Red Letter Year"
- DiFranco with the 2005 album "Knuckle Down"
- DiFranco who wrote a book of poetry called "Verses"
- DiFranco who founded Righteous Babe records
- DiFranco of music
- DiFranco of folk rock
- DiFranco of folk
- difranco fond of lowercase letters
- Daw's cousin
- Darth, in his boyhood
- Cuckoo's relative
- Cuckoo's cousin
- Cuckoo relative
- Cuckoo for crosswords?
- Cuckoo family member
- Crosswords' blackbird
- Crossword cuckoo
- Creator of Threepio
- Certain tropical cuckoo
- Celebrity chef ___ Phyo
- C-3PO's builder, briefly
- Buy from Sajak
- Buffalo-born DiFranco
- Boyhood nickname in "The Phantom Menace"
- Boyhood nickname in "Star Wars"
- Blackbird with drooping wings
- Black cuckoo bird
- Black bird of puzzledom
- Bird that may be groove-billed
- Big blackbird
- Acoustic strummer DiFranco
- Acoustic performer DiFranco
- A tickbird
- "Wheel" selection
- "Wheel of Fortune" request?
- "Wheel of Fortune" buy?
- "Wheel of Fortune" buy, maybe
- "Wheel ..." buy
- "Up Up Up Up Up Up" singer Di Franco
- "To the Teeth" DiFranco
- "The Phantom Menace" boy
- "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace" boy
- "Reprieve" singer DiFranco
- "Puddle Dive" DiFranco
- "Kati With ___" (2010 documentary)
- "Imperfectly" DiFranco
- "Give me __!": start of a Hoosier cheer
- "Give me __!": start of a Hawkeye's cheer
- "Gimme ___..." (Idaho State cheer, maybe)
- "Gimme ___!" (start of an Iowa cheer)
- "Gimme ___!" (start of an Illinois cheer)
- "Gimme ___!" (start of a cheer at Iowa)
- "Gimme ___!" (repeated cry of a University of Mississippi cheerleader)
- "Gimme ___!" (Indiana cheerleaders' cry)
- "Gimme ___!" (Illini cheer starter, maybe)
- "Gimme ___! …" (Iowa State cheer)
- "Gimme ___! ..." (Iowa State cheer)
- "32 Flavors" DiFranco
- 'Not a Pretty Girl' singer DiFranco
- 'Joyful Girl' singer DiFranco
- 'Gimme --!' (start of a cheer at Iowa)
- 'Dilate' singer DiFranco
- ''Wheel of Fortune'' purchase?
- ''Wheel of Fortune'' buy, perhaps
- ''The Phantom Menace'' boy
- ''Star Wars: The Phantom Menace'' boy
- ''Little Plastic Castle'' singer DiFranco
- ''Joyful Girl'' singer DiFranco
- ''Gimme ___!'' (Indiana cheerleaders' cry)
- ''Fuel'' performer DiFranco
- ___-Med (ASPCA program)
- ___ Kavafian, noted violinist
- ___ DiFranco